Can I Use Smile Direct Club to fix my bite? SDC vs. Invisalign

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Watch the video and read the article to find out if you may be a good candidate for Smile Direct Club, and how we can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted while improving your dental health.

Why You Should Fix Your Bite

Fixing your bite can not only improve your confidence but also improve the health of your gums and teeth. This is because when the teeth are in the right place without gaps or overlapping, it is much easier to keep them clean with a toothbrush and floss (or a Waterpik), and the teeth will come together and slide against each other instead of colliding.

Also, if you are considering changing the shape, size, or color of your teeth, moving the teeth into the right places can make the veneer, bonding, or crown protocols much less invasive. Here are some examples of smile makeovers we have done with Invisalign and Veneers:

Invisalign and Veneers Before and After

Invisalign and Veneers Before and After

Invisalign and Veneers Before and After

Invisalign and Veneers Before and After


Things to Consider Before Thinking About Smile Direct Club

The first thing to consider is to make sure you don’t have disease or infection in your teeth or gums before deciding to move the teeth with aligners. Even if you don’t have any pain, you could still have cavities, gum disease, infections, and gum recessions that could create very dangerous situations if not taken care of before starting to move the teeth.

Sometimes you could have extra teeth or teeth that never came into your mouth sleeping in your jaws that could get in the way of moving your other teeth, and this can only be found by a dentist looking at a complete X-ray of your mouth.

Mail-Order Aligners like Smile Direct Club have no way to make sure your teeth and gum are healthy, or if there may be a tooth sleeping in your jaw that could limit the movement of your teeth which could not only compromise the result of teeth movement but also create much more dangerous issues like tooth mobility, infections and more.

If your dentist tells you your gum and teeth were healthy, and no sleeping teeth were in the way, then you may be a candidate for Smile Direct Club. What kind of alignment issues can Smile Direct Club fix?


“So, can I use Smile Direct Club to fix my bite?”

The short answer is, most bite issues simply cannot be fixed with the technical limitations of Mail-Order aligners. Most cases of aligners require using techniques like slenderizing of teeth, expanding back teeth, and adding attachments to ensure not only a beautiful finish but a functional and healthy bite between the two jaws.

You MAY be a candidate for Smile Direct Club if you have:

  1. Gaps only on the bottom or similar on top & bottom
  2. Overlapping only on the top or similar on top & bottom
  3. No noticeable rotations, teeth length differences, or jaw size issues

You are NOT a candidate for Smile Direct Club if you have:

  1. Gaps only on top or more on top
  2. Overlapping only on the bottom or more on bottom
  3. Noticeable rotations, teeth length differences, or jaw size issues

Especially if you have just a gap between the front two teeth, it may look like a simple case. But without slenderizing the lower teeth, the gap can close but your bite will NOT fit.

We do not advise you to figure this out by yourself. Please get a consultation with an experienced dental professional first.


The Blooming Family Dental Difference

We have experience treating hundreds of patients with clear aligners and braces successfully. We can help you get the smile you always wanted with safety and expertise!

If you truly qualify for Smile Direct Club, we will let you know with a free consultation. We also offer an aligner product at a similar price point for those simple cases. This way you can still enjoy the benefits of having a proper exam and professional quality control.

At Blooming Family Dental, every Invisalign case comes with:

– Free Whitening

– Free Aligner Munchies®

– Free Digital Smile Simulation

We are now offering Free Virtual or In-Office consultations for Invisalign.

Check out some of our before and after case photos on InstagramFacebook, and our Website.

Call us at 973-475-8964 or email us at today!

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