All-On-4 Dental Implants: How Long Will It Take?

All-On-4 Dental Implants: How Long Will It Take?

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Are you Interested in All-On-4 Dental implants, and have an important event coming up, like a school reunion, a wedding, or a family gathering? Or do you have plans to travel or move in the near future? All-On-4 Dental Implants will change your life and give you the smile you’ve always wanted in one day, and we are here to tell you what the journey looks like.

Yes, you will get your new smile in one day, the day of the surgery. However, the overall journey from the consultation to the final set of teeth takes 5-6 months. This timeline can be shortened or lengthened depending on circumstances, but we will never sacrifice quality for convenience.

Before the Surgery: 2-4 weeks

The journey starts with a consultation with our treatment coordinator and Dr. Chang, where we take CBCT 3D X-rays, and discuss your options. Once you are ready to move forward and the medical clearance from your physician is complete, we take impressions of your mouth right away, followed by a visit to take your bite, and if applicable, a visit to try your teeth. You will also have your all prescription for the surgery during this time. This takes 2-4 weeks.

Day of Surgery: half or whole day

If you are having conscious sedation or IV sedation, don’t forget to fast 6 hours prior, or as directed. You will arrive early in the morning, and the surgery will take either a half day (if we are only doing 1 jaw) or the full day (if doing both jaws). Afterwards, you will go home with someone taking you home. You will leave with implants placed, ice packs, instructions. Sleep with multiple pillows, stay on a liquid diet.

Day After Surgery: 1-2 Hours

For All-On-4 procedures, we deliver your new teeth on the day after the surgery. We will adjust the new teeth to make sure they fit well, and you and your family will be able to see your smile together.

1 Week Checkup, 1 Month Checkup: 1 Hour

We will check on your bite and make sure you are properly cleaning around your new teeth and implants.

3-4 Months After Surgery: 4-6 weeks

Once your bone has healed up, we will take final impressions, take your bite, try-in the teeth to make an even more beautiful and stronger final set of your teeth.

1 Month Evaluation and Maintenance Program:

After getting your final set of teeth, you should come back for the 1 Month Evaluation, and be put on regular 6 month scheduled checkups. The 5-Year Limited Warranty is null and void if the checkups are missed.

All-On-4 Timeline

This may sound like a lot, but the important thing is that in one day, your new smile will be ready for friends, colleagues, and family to see – and you will never be without your teeth.

Click here to download your guide on All-On-4 Dental Implants and other Full-Arch Dental Implant Solutions.

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Click here to browse the rest of our All-On-4 Dental Implants blogposts.

Call us now at 973-475-8964 to request a no-obligation FREE consultation.

Remember, Essex County Residents get $1000 OFF for All-On-4 Dental Implants.

We are always here to help. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


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